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Entrevista rápida #10 JOANA SAMPAIO

Atualizado: 16 de mai.

No fim de semana anterior, aproveitei a iniciativa promovida pela Associação Castelo d'If para ficar a conhecer as obras de alguns integrantes do Atelier Artéria.

No local fiquei bastante impressionado com as ilustrações de cores vibrantes da Joana Sampaio.

Depois de uma passagem de 15 anos pela Arquitetura, os seus projetos voltaram-se para as áreas da cerâmica e da ilustração digital.

Outra das artistas que fazem parte do Atelier Artéria é a Susana Palha, que foi a primeira entrevistada deste suplemento.


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At the end of the previous week, I took advantage of the initiative promoted by the Associação Castelo d'If to discover the works of some members of Atelier Artéria.

There, I was very impressed by Joana Sampaio's vibrantly colored arts. After spending 15 years in Architecture, his projects turned to the areas of ceramics and digital illustration. Another of the artists who are part of Atelier Artéria is Susana Palha, who was the first interviewee for this supplement.

Joana Sampaio

She defines herself more as a creative than an artist.

She is part of Atelier Artéria, where he releases his creative universe to give Lisbon, Portugal and the world his art.

She graduated in Architecture from the Faculty of Architecture - University of Lisbon.

She is the founder of LXXL Studio and co-founder of Mix Art Ceramics.

How did you transition from architecture to ceramics?

I have notebooks full of drawings of pieces I want to produce, so when I came from China in 2020, I signed up for ceramics classes and realized that with clay and with little financial investment I could give shape to the different ideas I have.

A building depends on many people and factors to come to life, while in ceramics I only depend on myself. After 15 years designing buildings, I decided it was time to bring my own ideas and projects to life and product design has also always been a passion.

Does your time in the East influence your art?

In Portugal we often hear the phrase “it won’t work, that’s too complicated”, with the oriental spirit everything can be done.

With Oriente I learned to take more risks, to present more than one solution to the same problem and to trust my creativity. I also brought a passion for color (strong reds and blues) and a taste for creating patterns that I incorporate into my creations.

What material do you prefer to work with?

Right now, with the clay, the linoleum and the computer.

How do you balance family life with being an entrepreneur?

Being an entrepreneur presents more risks but it also gives us some freedom to adapt our work schedule to our family life. Work and team spirit within the family.

Entrepreneurship should be a mandatory subject at school and college.

A schedule adapted to those with young children should be a right, perhaps children wouldn't need to spend 8 to 10 hours cooped up in a building and would have more time to play outdoors and develop their creativity.

What are your future plans/projects?

Continue to integrate Atelier Artéria and be part of artist collectives in exhibitions and other projects. Next month, I will open Mix Art Ceramics, a ceramics and art studio that will be the home of my brand lxxlstudio and the brand rdmceramics, where we will provide training and develop our collections for sale online and for, in one or two two years, we open our store/gallery for direct sales to the public.


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