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Entrevista rápida #4 PURPLE ME

Atualizado: 14 de jun. de 2023


Conheci a Purple Me no Seixal, quando a encontrei a colaborar com o João Rodrigues na pintura de um mural junto do Fórum Cultural. Até aquele momento ainda não me tinha cruzado com a sua arte.

Numa pesquisa ao seu Instagram, fiquei tão impressionado com o seu trabalho que resolvi comprar-lhe um print.

Uns meses mais tarde, encontrei uma nova colaboração entre os dois artistas, desta vez no Montijo.

Enquanto a artista "ganha coragem" para trazer as suas obras para a rua, deixo-vos com a sua entrevista.


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I met Purple Me in Seixal, when I found her collaborating with João Rodrigues in painting a mural next to the Cultural Forum. Until that moment I had not come across her art.

In a search of his Instagram, I was so impressed with his work that I decided to buy her a print.

A few months later, I found a new collaboration between the two artists, this time in Montijo.

While the artist "gains courage" to bring her works to the street, I leave you with her interview.

Ana Guerreiro

This artist from Loulé is passionate about plants and watercolor.

Participated in volunteer actions within the scope of social projects for young people and children.

In a constant process of learning and discovery, she recreates his vision and imagination through his work, always praising the uniqueness of the botanical world.

Do you have art training?

Yup. Plastic Arts by the Superior School of Arts and Design of Caldas da Rainha.

Where did your taste for botanical painting come from?

Since I was a little girl, I loved picking flowers in the field when I went to my grandparents' house for the weekend. But it was under the influence of my mother (who always loved having a house full of plants and plants) that this fascination arose in me.

The taste for botanical painting came later, when I started to explore the watercolor technique in a different way and realized how interested I was in 'illustrating' the details of a simple dry leaf or the petals of a flower.

What's your favorite piece?

I don't think I have a favorite piece... or else I can't choose one. There will always be works that give me more or less satisfaction to do, but the most important thing for me is to feel that I am having 'fun' in the creation of my watercolors. That I learned something from the process and in the end feel a kind of liberation and pride in what I did.

When do you take your works to the street?

(Laughter) I have no idea… I don't even know if that will ever happen! But I confess that I already imagined this possibility.

Maybe I lack 'a stimulus' to move forward, it hasn't come yet.

What are your future plans/projects?

I am currently teaching children. It's something new and very recent, I've never tried it before and I'm loving the experience. Alongside this, I want to continue producing my botanical watercolors and in the future be able to collaborate with some brands (associated with the textile, cosmetics industry, etc.).


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