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Foto do escritorDa Chic Thief

Entrevista rápida #5 NURTI

Atualizado: 18 de jun. de 2023


A base de Miguel Ângelo Nurti é a rua. Foram várias as suas peças que encontrei em abandonados (que gosta de explorar com Avô) e pela cidade de Almada antes de o ter conhecido pessoalmente numa jam na Cova da Piedade.

Com formação em Artes Plásticas, o seu trabalho varia entre o graffiti, o desenho e a escultura, tendo já algumas exposições no seu currículo.

A natureza é a principal influência das suas obras com toques oníricos e surrealistas.


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The basis of Miguel Ângelo Nurti is the street. There were several of his pieces that I found in abandoned sites (which he likes to explore with Avô) and on the city of Almada before meeting him in person at a jam in Cova da Piedade. With a background in Visual Arts, his work ranges from graffiti, drawing and sculpture, and he already has some exhibitions under his belt. Nature is the main influence of his works with dreamlike and surrealist touches.

Miguel Ângelo Nurti

Born in Pragal, Almada.

He has a degree in Plastic Arts from the Escola Superior de Artes e Design (USAD).

Nature is the basis of his work, it is an element that is always present in different ways.

Is part of the Estuário collective.

Besides nature, where do you get your influences?

It's a tough question! I like to look at everything organic in general. I also look at the more internal anatomical world (tissues, organs, cells, etc). But since I'm already so rooted in nature, it turns out to be my biggest source of inspiration!

Especially because it's an inexhaustible source and when I think I've seen everything, nature proves me otherwise. Whether in fungi, roots, insects, etc.

How do you define your style?

I always pay special attention to the roots / branches in an ambiguous sense, whether they are from a neurotic or figurative field, something that awakens the energy that surrounds everything or nothing, challenging every millimeter that waits anxiously to be occupied, the act of taking possession of something that doesn't belong to you, that sometimes destroys and abuses something without permission, both in compassionate thought and in nature, just as my graffiti backgrounds educated me.

Do you prefer the atelier or the street and the abandoned places?

It depends on my mood.

Drawing, graffiti or sculpture?

Always graffiti, but with a thin line that divides drawing from graffiti, because there is no graffiti without a drawing first.

What are your future plans/projects?

My future plans are to produce more and more, for my own satisfaction and mental sanity.

But I am very interested in collaborating with artists that I admire a lot and that this admiration is mutual.


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