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Entrevista rápida #8 TELMO QUADROS

Atualizado: 14 de jun. de 2023

Foi nos confinamentos da Covid, que comecei a reparar no trabalho de Telmo Quadros.

É desde essa altura que sou um fã da sua análise acutilante da sociedade atual, num eterno conflito entre a razão e o coração.

Numa passagem recente pelo Porto, tive oportunidade de o conhecer pessoalmente e ainda tive direito a um "presente" de boas-vindas.

Fiquem com a sua entrevista.


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It was in the Covid confinements that I started noticing the work of Telmo Quadros.

It's since then that I've been a fan of his sharp analysis of today's society, in an eternal conflict between reason and the heart.

On a recent visit to Porto, I had the opportunity to meet him in person and I was even entitled to a welcome "gift".

Check his interview.

Telmo Quadros

Born in Gaia, he is an architect (FAUP), cartoonist and illustrator.

He collaborated with Jornal de Notícias, in 1981, and had works published in P3 Público, Il Manifesto and on the Pianoinclinato news site.

He did illustration work for books by Professor Isabel Fonseca, from the Univ. do Minho, and for Prof. Loizos Heracleous and illustrated the "Brief Manual of Local Citizenship", edited by the Municipality of Valongo.

It was selected for the exhibition on the Commemorations of Europe Day, in 2014, organized by the National Center for Comics and Image in conjunction with the Institute of Contemporary History (IHC), by the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences of Universidade Nova de Lisboa and by the Office of the European Parliament in Lisbon.

It was selected for the exhibition of Knock-Heist CartoonFestival 2016, in Belgium.

The taste for visual drawing was at the base of his urban sketch drawings in Porto.

He is the author of the book "How to become a successful politician", published by Chiado Editora in 2016.

What theme do you prefer to illustrate in your cartoons?

Undoubtedly, social issues and people. Social, because they reflect the world we live in, the policies, the struggles, the injustices. People, because each person is a world, with all its dramas, dreams, tragedies, contradictions.

Which cartoonists influenced your work? Many, but for different reasons I highlight André Carrilho, António Antunes, Angel Boligan, Dalcio Machado, Silvano Mello, Frank Hoppmann and cartoonists from Charlie Hebdo, such as Wolinski.

Do you keep the line in tune with the observation drawing? Observation drawing is another story. It was my school at the Faculty of Architecture and it taught me how to observe. In cartoons it is different, observation is a process prior to drawing. I like them both, of course, for different reasons.

Is music another of your passions?

No doubt. Music and writing. I believe that music is probably the artistic expression that is most connected to our emotions. Writing is something that fascinates me because it uses a powerful tool which is the word.

What are your future projects / plans?

I don't make plans. I hope to continue working simply for pleasure.


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