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Entrevista rápida #9 GIULIA CAVALLO

Atualizado: 14 de jun. de 2023

Há já algum tempo que sou fã do trabalho da minha nova entrevistada.

Giulia Cavallo é antropóloga no seu dia a dia, mas o gosto pela Arte já a acompanha desde pequena.

Penso que foi através da Susana Palha que conheci Giulia (provavelmente, numa das feiras em que costumam participar).

Durante os isolamentos da Covid, os seus trabalhos enchiam de cor e alegria o scroll que fazia no meu Instagram. Para além dos rostos femininos delicados e dos elementos naturais que enchem as suas obras, cativam-me as suas paisagens citadinas (ou não fosse eu licenciado em Urbanismo / Arquitetura).

Mais uma entrevistada que vem engrandecer o meu blog. Espero que gostem.


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I've been a fan of my new interviewee's work for some time now.

Giulia Cavallo is an anthropologist in her day-to-day life, but her taste for art has been with her since she was a little girl.

I think it was through Susana Palha that I met Giulia (probably at one of the fairs in which they usually participate).

During the Covid isolation, her work filled the scroll I made on my Instagram with color and joy. In addition to the delicate female faces and the natural elements that fill his works, his cityscapes captivate me (or it wasn't that I had a degree in Urbanism / Architecture).

Another interviewee who comes to enhance my blog. Hope you like it.

Giulia Cavallo

Born in Italy, she graduated in Philosophy and Anthropology.

Moved to Lisbon in 2007.

He opened his art studio in 2017.

He started teaching two years ago, promoting Anthropology workshops for children in public schools in Lisbon.

Being a woman with multiple challenges, she wants to put down roots, build foundations and find a common thread between her different professions.

When did your interest in art begin?

I've been drawing since I was a kid.

My interest arises from the multiple languages ​​that were part of my childhood. It arises through the paintings of Ancient Egypt, with all their graphic power, the frescoes by Giotto (I have a soft spot for medieval art), through Marc Chagall, whom I consider a poet, and the countless illustrated books, some of which I consider true masterpieces. of art, full of poetics and narrative power.

Where do you get the inspiration for your works?

My biggest inspiration is nature, but also the villages and cities, with their tide of houses and rooftops.

I like to imagine places where housing and nature coexist in harmony. Where there is justice, beauty.

I also like the power of symbols, through which I can tell about internal paths, processes, struggles, heartbreak, loneliness, but also about encounters and reunions. That's why I draw women, in a suspended, almost sacred instant, trying to narrate something of mine or someone close to me.

Was architecture ever part of your plans?

Never ever. I wanted to be an archaeologist, then I chose Philosophy and then I specialized in Anthropology, studying religious phenomena in African contexts.

I've always liked what's more hidden, less visible, but which, in fact, is one of the key aspects of human beings' existence.

How many exhibitions have you done?

I started exhibiting when I moved to Lisbon. My first was in Coimbra, in 2011, then in Toledo, in 2014. Later it was in Lisbon, in 2015, and from there I started to exhibit more, until 2019, always in Lisbon.

I don't really know how to explain it, but I can say that exhibiting is always an intense moment, which challenges and helps to leave one's comfort zone, creating a horizon for the production of new designs.

What are your future plans/projects?

Keep drawing, always. I feel the need to improve my expressive capacity, to get to know more intimately the media with which I work (pencil, gouache, paper).

I feel the need for expansion. I want to unite drawing and anthropology, to reflect on art as a means of communication, information, engagement with life.

And among my projects, I really want to make an illustrated book.


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