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Foto do escritorDa Chic Thief

Loucos por tinta #1 FÜR


Foi através do Grave que cheguei ao 1º entrevistado desta nova rubrica na qual pretendo divulgar ateliers de artes plásticas, estúdios de tatuagens e outras lojas que partilham um denominador comum, a tinta.

O writer falou-me de um amigo que estava a experimentar umas cenas novas e que podia ser uma boa entrevista para o blog. Com um telefonema, depressa cheguei ao seu espaço de criação e vi-me imerso num mundo de personagens dos filmes e da banda desenhada.

A arte é algo que sempre fez parte da sua vivência, uma vez que a sua mãe é professora de pintura, mas Mauro Simões foi writer, designer gráfico e muito mais até decidir enveredar pelo que realmente gosta.

No seu atelier situado no Seixal, o artista usa o spray, a lixívia e outros materiais para a execução dos seus characters no seu estilo "Urban Pop".

Depois de alguns anos em que estudou de forma aturada os seus mestres, é no seu "laboratório" que Mauro pretende chegar à fórmula mágica que fará alavancar a sua arte.


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It was through Grave that I reached the 1st interviewee of this new section in which I intend to promote fine arts ateliers, tattoo studios and other shops that share a common denominator, ink. The writer told me about a friend who was trying out some new scenes and that it could be a good interview for the blog. With one phone call, I quickly arrived at his creation space and found myself immersed in a world of characters from films and comics. Art is something that has always been part of his experience, since his mother is a painting teacher, but Mauro Simões was a writer, graphic designer and much more until


Born in 1978, this Angolan artist started doing graffiti on illegal walls in 1994.

With a degree in Design from Escola Artística António Arroio, he explores various spray painting techniques and other types of materials.

On his canvases he incorporates ordinary people into comic book superheroes, empowering human beings.

He also works on some abstract and symbolic paintings manipulating new ways of spray painting.

After many years of living in the shadows, the artist has decided that it is time to put his art on canvas, so that it can be properly appreciated.

His CV includes participation in Comic Con Portugal 2022, Wakanda Forever Premiere 2022, Amadora BD 2022 and Coimbra BD 2022.

When did your taste for paint emerge?

My taste for paint came when I went to study at António Arroio.

Although I have always had an inclination towards the visual arts, this school opened my eyes to explore new materials, to have a broader view of the world of arts.

What is the meaning of your artistic name?

My artistic name is always made with the two dots in the "ü" and its meaning is the translation from German to Portuguese, which is "For", with my art being an expression for me and for you.

Which artists influence your work?

I have many artists who influence me, but here are some of the many who inspire me in various ways and not just with their technique: Seen, Vhils, Mr Yanen, Bansky, Futura & Mikael B...

With what material do you prefer to work?

My favorite material is spray and it is the one I work with the most.

I also work with acrylic paint and sometimes bleach. Exploring a little bit of everything is also part of the walk.

Is social criticism also part of your work?

Social criticism is something that will always be part of my original works that I choose to share on my networks.

What are your future plans/projects?

After many years of being online only, the time has come to start showing my work live, for more people to see.

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